Tochigi prefecture has several traditional craft products, and one of them is Sugi-senko, Japanese cedar incense sticks.
It is said that this incense sticks were created in 1864, when Adachi Shigeshichi produced stick incense from Japanese cedar leaves in what is now Nikko City. This cedar was widely available in the area, which helped the industry to flourish.
What makes Sugi-senko special is their natural cedar aroma, and the main ingredient is Japanese cedar leaves ground to a powder using a water wheel.
Family Yoga & Okonomiyaki event at Nikko Base
Would you like to join a family event in Nikko next Saturday? Then this event is for you!
Yoga for the grown ups, movies for the kids, and finally Okonomiyaki Party at Nikko Base for everyone.
Contact us and book now!
When? Next Saturday June 29th, from 16:30 to 19:00
Where? Nikko Base
How much? adults ¥2000 (children free)
Aguas termales en Nikko Yumoto Onsen
Ubicado a minutos de Senjogahara se encuentra un tranquilo pueblo de Onsen (aguas termales) en la costa norte del lago Yunoko.
Se dice que un monje budista que construyó un templo en Nikko hace unos 1200 años para introducir el budismo en la zona descubrió este Onsen.
Quien se encuentre en Yumoto Onsen puede acercarse al baño de pies disponible de forma gratuita en la ciudad. El agua infundida con azufre blanco ayuda a combatir la neuralgia y el reumatismo, y es ideal para descansar y relajarse en medio de una impactante naturaleza.
Al norte de la ciudad se encuentra Onsenji, un templo budista con un pequeño baño de aguas termales abierto al público. Junto al templo se puede recorrer el pantano Yunodaira, donde la mayor parte del agua caliente de la ciudad brota del suelo.
En la zona también podrán alojarse en los hoteles y ryokan tradicionales con aguas termales, imperdibles para una jornada a puro relax!
Acceso: desde la estación de Tobu Nikko (o JR Nikko) tomar el bus Tobu con destino a Yumoto Onsen.
Nikko Base – Every Friday!
Senjogahara Marshland
Senjogahara is one of the largest high moors in Honshu, located in the Nikko National Part at a height of 1,400m.
It is said that this area became an over 400ha marsh over a long time, from a lake that was formed by the eruption of Mt. Nantai. Additionally, 175ha out of it is registered under the Ramsar Convention as “Oku-Nikko-shitsugen” (the marsh in Oku-Nikko).
More than 350 species of native plants and various wild birds can be seen in Senjogahara, which can be explored through its hiking course that even beginners can walk.
The recommended period to visit this area is the middle of June to the beginning of August, when Cotton-Sedges and Meadow Sweets are in full bloom. And also at the end of September to the beginning of October when the grass turn to beautiful shades of red.
Access: Take the Tobu bus from JR or Tobu Nikko station for Yumoto Onsen, get off at Sanbonmatsu bus stop (approx. 50 minutes). The Senjogahara observatory is right in front of the bus stop. You can also get off at Ryuzu-no-taki bus stop or go all the way to Yumoto Onsen and start the longer hiking course from there.
Every Friday – Event at Nikko Base
On Fridays, NIKKO BASE shows, talks and lets you experience the japanese daily life and culture.
Visitors, travelers from foreign countries, foreigners living in Japan, locals living nearby, everybody is welcome!
Either you need some local information or you are a japanese who wants to learn about foreign people and culture… whoever wants to have a good time. Next Friday 21st we will have an Onigiri (riceball) making event, please visit us!
When: EVERY FRIDAY from 4:30 to 6:00pm
Fee: from ¥0 to ¥1000, depending on the activity
Los Ema (en japonés 絵馬, literalmente “cuadro – caballo”) son pequeñas placas de madera comunes en Japón, en las que los fieles escriben oraciones o deseos en santuarios shintoístas. Sin embargo como antiguamente el shintoismo y el budismo se encontraban mezclados, es posible que también los vean algún que otro templo budista.
Los Ema se cuelgan en los santuarios ya que desde ahí se cree que los kami (espíritus o dioses) los reciben. Generalmente son de 15 cm de ancho y 9 cm de alto, y a menudo llevan imágenes o tienen la forma de animales. Esto se debe a que en la antigüedad las personas donaban caballos a los santuarios al realizar las oraciones. Con el tiempo esto se transformó en una placa de madera con la imagen de un caballo, y luego a las diversas placas de madera que se venden hoy con el mismo propósito.
Una vez inscritos con un deseo, los Ema se cuelgan en el santuario hasta que se queman en un ritual en eventos especiales, símbolo de la liberación del deseo de quien lo escribió.
Ya escribieron su Ema??
El Shisomaki Togarashi, también conocido como Nikko togarashi, es un tipo de chile en conserva. Se trata de chiles togarashi conservados en sal y envueltos en hojas de shiso (perilla), y son un bocadillo excelente para degustar junto con el sake o la cerveza. Además tienen un sabor fantástico cuando se cortan finamente y se agregan al arroz o se mezclan con pasta.
En Nikko se pueden conseguir en varias tiendas, pero una de las más tradicionales es Ochiai Shoten, ubicada sobre la calle principal de Nikko en camino al puente Shinkyo.
Dirección: 938 Shimohatsuishimachi, Nikko
Sitio Web:
Right in front of Tobu Nikko Station you fill find Azuma, a restaurant located on the second floor.
They offer different types of soba and snacks, and since it’s really close to the station it’s a good place to stop and eat before going back home after a long day of walking around Nikko.
They also serve Nikko famous yuba (tofu skin) in interesting ways suck as yuba croquette and dumplings, very delicious!
Address: 10-6 Matsubaracho, Nikko
Kanmangafuchi Abyss
Only a few minutes away from Shinkyo Bridge there’s Kanmangafuchi Abyss, a gorge formed by the lava erupted from Mt. Nantai, on the Daiyagawa River.
A row of approximately 70 Jizos are lined up along the river. This group of Jizos is called “Bake-Jizo”, meaning Ghost Jizo, because legend has it that if you try to count them, each time you will end up with a different number.
Also, you will find the legendary “Kanman” characters that are said to be sculptured by Kobo Daishi, a skilled calligrapher.
The statues are across to the Botanical Garden, but it cannot be entered from the abyss.
Address: Takumi-cho, Nikko